Dangerous Dolls:

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We are very happy to have talented Photographers as yourself on staff to help mold The Dangerous Dolls into what it is and what it will become. We know you have choices and we are honored you choose to work with us. So, with all that being said, Let's Get Started!

From here in, Staff PhoTographers will be known as TOGS.
Please be sure to fill in as much on your profile as you can So we can all get to know you better!
Upload music, videos, portfolios and fun picture albums, etc, make yourself at home!


Probation Information:

All new TOGS are on a 60 day PROBATION!!! At which time we will both decide if we are right for one another.
You MUST Send in a Blanket TOG Release allowing DD to publish any work you submit to this website with intent for SOLE use on this website. Your Sets Won't Go Live Otherwise

Within your 60 days, you are required to submit at least two sets showing off your best work. These sets are probationary sets and will be used to determine if we are right for each other.

These sets are considered DIY for the Doll and only the Doll will be paid.

Following these requests will more than likely get you through probation with ease!

The Dangerous Dolls Reserves The Rights To Inactive Any TOG As They See Fit
To Maintain The Productive Course Of This Website.


Sets and Uploading Sets:

No black and white
No cell phone pictures
No webcam pictures
No Plain Backgrounds, or Plain studio sets.
(Have fun be adventurous, we are DANGEROUS Dolls)
No Exccessive blood or paint, or other substances in large amounts
that cover the body, and obscure/coat body parts.
We want to see ALL of you.
No overly dark shadows or filters covering the body.
No heavy editing. (we want you to look real)

Minimum picture requirements are 200-300K and 1500 pixels width/height
BEFORE uploading ANY set, please notify Dragon and make sure the album created for the set is Locked!
Sets Must Be Uploaded using the Doll's Profile, Please contact Dragon for access.
PLEASE name your set something fun and creative as well as give it a description,
if you need any help you can always stop in the Chatroom and ask for ideas.

PRO Sets:

a PRO set consist of a minimum of 50 pictures and is shot by a Staff photographer. Full Nudity and Pink Lady Bits Exposed in a tasteful manner is a minimum requirement.
We are always expanding where we have staff based on where our Dolls are located. If you would like to know if there are photographers in your area there is a link on the top of the page on the site called Staff Photographers. If there is not one in your area please contact us to make other arrangements.
Payment for a PRO set is $145 $70 for the Doll and $75 for the photographer .
You May Use These Sets For Personal Portfolios or Personal Website. You may never resell or submit these sets to another site.
We DO NOT , HAVE NOT, NOR EVER WILL, Resell Your Photos to Another Website.
PRO X Sets:

A PRO X set is also a minimum of 50 photos, shot by staff. They require at least half of the set to bet spread leg with finger insertion or toys. These pay $100 to the model and $75 to the photographer.


You MUST have a PayPal account, if you do not have PayPal, just go sign up for an account at www.paypal.com, it's the ONLY form of payment we use.

You will be paid the Friday after your set goes live. Our week starts on Friday and ends on Thursdays. Please be sure to get your PayPal info to Dragon ASAP so you do not miss your payment.


LAST and MOST IMPORTANT **** You will be provided 2 release forms. The TOG Release Must Be Printed and Signed by you and returned! The second, The Doll Release must be presented to the Model before you shoot for her to sign in front of you! You must also snap a shot of her holding her ID to her face EXACTLY as it is with the girl on the left in this photo: http://thedangerousdolls.com/2257req.html
The Id and releases shoul be submitted with your sets or email directly to [email protected]

If you dont have a scanner a photo or pdf works fine We cannot put your sets live without this!!


Tog Release Form
Doll Release Form

Again welcome to the site, make sure to check out the chat room. We look forward to having your first set.

If you have any questions please contact Dragon.
Warmest Regards
The Dangerous Dolls Staff